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With a Bachelor's in English and a Master's in Literacy, I am proud to be a member of the Eagle Nest. I believe that learning needs to be authentic and allows students opportunities to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-world situations. By blending visual and digital literacies, I seek to make instruction engaging and memorable for all learners. I am an anime fan, gamer, and enjoy watching movies at the cinema. I am willing to discuss anime, video games, and movies; students still need to prioritize learning when in the classroom.
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  1. Arrive to class on time.
  2. Put away cellphones and nonessential technology during instructional time (NEHS policy).
  3. Engage in your learning and remain on task.
  4. Respect others and their property.
  5. Complete assignments with academic honesty (No cheating or plagiarism).
  6. Remain seated until dismissed by bell or teacher.

Classroom Books