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Dear Parents,
I want to welcome your child to Northeast High School and the Fundamentals of Construction, Structural Systems 1, and Structural Systems 2. My name is Jason Pennington. Together with your help I hope to make your child's year here rewarding and to teach him/her skills that will be of use to them for the rest of their lives.
The primary goal of our program is to standardize construction craft training throughout the country so that both employers and employees will benefit from the training no matter where they are located.
Student’s grades will be based on performance points from class participation and modules which will have review questions, a module exam, and a performance profile task, which is designed to measure competency in which the task taught.
I encourage you to check your child's progress on power school. Grades will be posted as they are completed and/or weekly..
A copy of the state standards will be linked on this page. Parents, please read the attached copy of the classroom rules and consequences. These rules are in place and will be enforced.
Parents, I would like for your child to receive the utmost this class has to offer. I am requesting your help. Please encourage your child to participate in class, be on time, and bring required materials. Feel free to contact me at Northeast High School (931)648-5640 ext. 1715 or [email protected].
Thank You,
Jason Pennington
Rules (Traditional Students)
Northeast High School Construction Technology
1) Safety first
- a) Safety glasses must be worn while operating, helping someone operate, or just observing someone operate any power tools. Safety glasses must also be worn when working with ANY materials that may cause injury to your eyes.
- b) Hard hats must be worn during any construction.
- c) No running.
- d) No horseplay.
- e) No throwing of anything.
- f) You must wear clothing appropriate to the class activity including footwear (points will be deducted when not having the appropriate clothing)
2) Be in classroom before bell rings.
3) No open food or drink containers allowed in room.
4) Respect others and their belongings.
5) Report all accident immediately (major or minor) to the teacher.
6) No electronic devices are to be used during instruction time, this includes ear buds
a.) Especially during shop or construction activities
7.) Do not drive nails where nails aren’t meant to be driven.
8.) Do not use tools if those tools are not needed for the project.
9.) Do not use tools for unintended purposes.
Horse playing, Disobedience, Disruptive, Tardy etc.
2nd-Behavior notification or parent contact.
3rd-Discipline form.
4th and beyond- Discipline form for each offense
Disrespect, Fighting, Profanity, Tobacco use, etc.
No warning. Discipline form.
Fundamentals of Construction Standards https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/education/ccte/arch/cte_std_fundamentals_of_cons.pdf
Structural Systems 1 Standards https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/education/ccte/arch/cte_std_structural_systems_1.pdf
Structural Systems 2 Standards https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/education/ccte/arch/cte_std_structural_systems_2.pdf