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I am very happy to have you in my class and I hope you have a wondeful experience while learning Spanish and the beauty of the Hispanic culture.
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Classroom Policies: Students will be required to follow all classroom rules set by the teacher at any given time. Students will also be expected to follow school policies as well. It is imperative that both parent/guardian and student read the code of conduct book which is available online at Disruptive and inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated at any time.

  • Come to class on time. Standing outside the door or in the hallway and rushing in after the bell has begun to ring will constitute a tardy. You must be in your seat before as the bell rings. You must be in your seat to be dismissed from class.
  • Be ready to start learning when the bell rings. You should have paper and pencil/pen, and be working on bell-ringer while teacher takes attendance. I should not have to wait on you to begin class.
  • Attend to personal needs before coming to class. Do not ask me to go to your locker; it is your responsibility to come to class with the appropriate materials regardless of where your locker might be located. Bathroom passes will be given in extreme emergencies or when a doctor’s note is presented to me. Passes to use as the phone at the office will be given for emergencies only. A signing paper will be posted for those who are allowed to go anywhere; name, location, time and date must be written.
  • Do not eat any food or drink sodas or juices in the classroom. Only water is allowed in the classroom.
  • Do not touch or disturb others, including their property at any time. Do not touch or take items that do not belong to you. Keep your hands, feet, etc. to yourself.
  • Open your computer only when the teacher tells you to do so. A disciplinary referral will be given to the student for watching videos, news, playing games, chatting, checking emails or grades, etc.
  • No use of phones is allowed in the classroom during instruction, even if you claim to be an emergency. Phone will be confiscated and submitted to the front office for parents to pick them up. A disciplinary referral will be given for disobedience.
  • Classroom Books