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I am Mr. Grigsby! Hello, and welcome to my class at Northeast High School. This course is designed as a course in chemistry and physics. This curriculum includes more abstract concepts such as the conceptualization of the structure of atoms, motion, and forces, the conservation of energy and matter, and the action/reaction principle.
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Assignment Requirements:

  1. My expectation is that all work is turned in on the due date and all student work is their own.
  2. Late assignments will not be accepted unless communicated otherwise.
  3. There will be opportunities to bring up grades.


Make-up Work:

  1. When absent, you are responsible for determining your missed assignments. You will have one day for every day missed to make up the work.
  2. Arrangements will need to be made to make up tests, labs etc.
  3. A make-up board is provided in the room. When absent, pull assignments from the day you missed.  All online instruction will be posted on our learning platform on the corresponding day.
  4. A zero will be entered for assignments in PowerSchool until the makeup work assignment is made up.


The following items are needed for Physical Science students in my class:

  1. 1x Composition book 5. Colored Pencils
  2. 3 Prong Pocket folder 6. Calculator (for homework purposes)
  3. Earbuds 7. Clorox wipes/ tissues would be appreciated
  4. Pencils Donations in the form of basic supplies (pens, pencils, folders, notebooks, markers, etc.) a travel-sized hygiene items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, and deodorant) are appreciated

Classroom Books