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Assignment Requirements:
- My expectation is that all work is turned in on the due date and all student work is their own.
- Late assignments will not be accepted unless communicated otherwise.
- There will be opportunities to bring up grades.
Make-up Work:
- When absent, you are responsible for determining your missed assignments. You will have one day for every day missed to make up the work.
- Arrangements will need to be made to make up tests, labs etc.
- A make-up board is provided in the room. When absent, pull assignments from the day you missed. All online instruction will be posted on our learning platform on the corresponding day.
- A zero will be entered for assignments in PowerSchool until the makeup work assignment is made up.
The following items are needed for Physical Science students in my class:
- 1x Composition book 5. Colored Pencils
- 3 Prong Pocket folder 6. Calculator (for homework purposes)
- Earbuds 7. Clorox wipes/ tissues would be appreciated
- Pencils Donations in the form of basic supplies (pens, pencils, folders, notebooks, markers, etc.) a travel-sized hygiene items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, and deodorant) are appreciated